Network for the future

NB-IoT connects machines, things and people.

NB-IoT is a special narrowband network intended exclusively for data transfer. It allows to connect all the ZOOCO sensors to the network, wherever they are located. The main benefit is the signal availability in all the Czech Republic, including hard to reach places, underground or under water.

I want to buy NB-IoT

Why choose NB-IoT?

Nation-wide coverage with a highly penetrable signal

Nation-wide coverage with a highly penetrable signal

The network covers 100% of country surface with outdoor signal and about 94% of population with indoor signal. The signal can penetrate several walls, underground or under water.

Nation-wide coverage with a highly penetrable signal

Double-sided communication and data security

You can configure and control all devices remotely. The network works in a licensed bandwidth, so your data are secure.

You can display all the data
within the app.

You gain the access to the web-based ZOOCO app , where you can connect the device to network, configure and simply display all its data.

NB-IoT SIM inquiry

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With the ZooControl company, we cooperate in IoT and connecting to NB-IoT via the web for a significant time. We use their application. Thanks to automatic reports and outputs of the app, we can deliver our smart sensors to end customers in different areas, such as agriclture, medicine, water suppliying etc.

Zdeněk Dybal - Solidus Tech s.r.o. contact point of the company

Our partners

Are you curious whether the application will suit
your individual needs?

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or call us at +420 387 685 196.